Keep Healthy

Common Running Injuries
Runner’s World attended the Sports Science Institute Of South Africa “Common Running Injuries” workshop last night: these were the top tips that we took away regarding injury prevention:

Happy Hammies
The combination of muscles that make up the hamstrings bends your knees, extends your hips, and rotates your thighs. When those muscles are weak or tight, it disrupts the muscular balance of your body. To prevent a pulled hammie, target your glutes, hip flexors, quads, core, and hamstrings. These muscles work together and need to be equally strong and flexible.

Stay on Course
Want to stay on track?
That means that applying ice, taking ice baths and finishing runs with a decent cool-down top the list. So do taking rest days, getting massages, and stretching.

Foam Rolling for Runners
Using a foam roller can provide similar benefits as deep-tissue massage. By increasing flexibility and decreasing muscle tension, it can help prevent injury and improve performance.

Ease the load
By Bob Cooper
Running may be the quickest, the most invigorating, and (for many) the most enjoyable way to get and stay fit. So it’s doubly frustrating when you’re sidelined by aches, pains, or worse, injuries.

Up your immunity
You’re at the peak of your training or you just completed a race, when suddenly you have a sore throat, runny nose, and fits of sneezing.
You’re not alone.

Have a Cold? Rather Rest!
Is running with a cold bad for you, or will you recover faster if you run?

Build an Injury proof body
The knee accounts for about half of all running injuries. Save your body with these 4 moves.

Train your ankles
Exercises like these strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments around your ankles, giving your body a built-in defense against sprains and strains.
The Pros and Cons of Massages for Runners