
Sports Massage Benefits and Effects
Sports massage should play an important part in the life of any sportsman or woman whether they are injured or not. Massage has a number of benefits both physical, physiological and psychological.

Sports Massage for Hamstring Strains
Massage has many benefits but specifically for hamstring strains it can help loosen scar tissue and tight muscles, stimulate blood flow and therefore healing and aid in the stretching of the muscles.
Massage should not be done in the acute stage as this may increase bleeding and prolong the healing process. The acute stage may last from 48 hours (for a grade 1 tear) up to a week for more severe injuries.

Cold Therapy - Cryotherapy
Cold therapy or Cryotherapy is probably the most common first aid applied to sports injuries. Select the options below to learn more as well as less common uses of Cryotherapy.
Sports massage techniques for groin strain
The following sports massage guide is intended for information purposes only. Seek professional advice before attempting any self help treatment.
This article lists a number of massage techniques that assist in the the recovery from groin strain.