Mechanics of speed

Administrator (admin) on 12/02/2014

You should file this topic and dig it out and study it on a regular basis. If you understand the content then you can take steps with the help of your coach to be a much faster runner

A slide show of the fundamental aspects of sprinting. The same principles apply to all running.

You should file this email and dig it out and study it on a regular basis. If you understand the content then you can take steps with the help of your coach to be a much faster runner.

Coach has highlighted some of the more important points but most slides do have some relevance to an ongoing improved performance.
slide #
#27  faster running speeds are achieved with greater ground forces not more rapid leg movements.
#28 stride length correlates with speed
#45  speed of movement of limbs is of little importance
#46  the most important factor to understand-
         Greater force = increased stride length
                                   increased stride frequency
In summary better sprinters apply more force in a shorter period of time.
It is important to understand that running on the track is fun and makes you fitter and therefore faster but if you REALLY want to improve then you have to add other factors-
*biomechanics ( the most important factor of all)
*hill running
*sled pulls
*gym work for strength and power
*water running
*adequate and planned recovery

 Mechanics of Speed, more from Mike Young- You can check him out on twitter if you like.

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